Meet Zoey

Zoey Birjandian is CEO of Espash Design Studio based in San Francisco Bay area and Tehran. She holds a bachelor’s degree in sculpture from Tehran University in Iran and a Master of Fine Arts in Interior Design from the Savannah College of Art & Design in Atlanta, Georgia. She has worked for prestigious architecture companies both in the United States and in Iran, for many years.

She does not limit herself to a specific discipline; rather she believes in being multi-disciplinary. Zoey believes that a multi-faceted approach enhances your work, whether working as a designer or as an artist.

The user and how they perceive the design plays an important role in Zoey’s design decisions. She believes in experimentation, and that a mind closed to new and unexpected ideas will inhibit creativity. In today’s world, designers, now more than ever, need to be contemporary and embrace what technology and new innovations can offer. Zoey Birjandian believes as designers, we are the curators of an individual's experience, so our design should satisfy the complexities of the human mind.

Let’s Work Together